On Saint Andrew’s Day 30th November,the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain held its annual Charity Dinner and Dance at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood. All age groups were represented, ranging from 2 to 97 years of age, proud of their roots and not prepared to forget that Rizokarpasso belongs to them.  Present amongst the guests were the Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK, Theodoros Gotsis, The Rt. Revd. Bishop Athanasios of Tropaeou, the Parliamentary Candidate for Finchley & Golders Green, Mike Freer, and the President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, Christos Karaolis. The evening began with a minute’s silence to remember, pay tribute to and show respect for our much loved and highly respected Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain. 

People ate a delicious traditional souvla meal, danced and enjoyed the company of friends and relatives at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood in what was a truly, family and friends orientated joyful community atmosphere.  The music had toddlers to pensioners on the dance floor and in fact the pensioners were the last to leave the dance floor at the end of the evening.

Maria Karaolis, the President of the Association of Rizokarpasso thanked those present at the Charity Dinner and Dance saying that they, together with the brochure advertisers and the providers of raffle prizes and donations had, once again, enabled the Association to send, via the Cyprus High Commission, a €50 Christmas present to each of the 46 schoolchildren enclaved in Rizokarpasso. She said that they were proud of the enclaved Rizokarpassides and the successes of their children but also remembered their hardship and sacrifices for 45 years since the 1974 Turkish invasion.   

Mrs Karaolis said “despite Turkey’s decision to test its new Russian made air-defence system Turkey is still considered by our Government and other Western nations to be an important NATO ally that holds the key to Western security and the control of migration.  Turkey wants to join the EU yet muzzles democracy, imprisons Government critics, closes down media outlets and imprisons its journalists, it fails to abide by Agreements, ignores the Geneva Convention, ignores UN Resolutions, mistreats its religious and ethnic minorities.  The Kurdish minority community is 25% of Turkey’s population.  In the last few months Turkey has invaded and occupied northern Syria, which was mainly inhabited by Kurds and is now engaged in demographic engineering by so called “repatriating” Arab Syrian refugees into occupied northern Syria, which has brought fierce criticism from Turkey’s international allies.  Turkey does not share our Western interests or European values of democracy, respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, equality and the rule of law. Turkey says that it wants the negotiations on Cyprus to be successful yet engages in aggressive actions by violating the Republic of Cyprus airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone with its warships and drill ships obstructing the Republic of Cyprus right to exploit its own natural resources. Turkey insists on keeping its troops in Cyprus and keeping the anachronistic Guarantor Power for Cyprus.  The Republic of Cyprus is an independent country and a member of the UN, the EU, the Commonwealth and is a valued, stable, reliable, democratic, ally in a very volatile region; it doesn’t need Guarantors”.

She expressed the hope that talks would resume in a manner that could lead to a just, viable and lasting solution that will reunify the island, terminate Turkey’s illegal actions, which are a violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and against international law, and allow all of the Cypriots to live together throughout the island in a peaceful and safe Republic of Cyprus. 

She asked people to look at the model of Apostolos Andreas Monastery, (placed in the conservatory at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood two days before), built in 1992 with loving care, devotion and precision by the late Christakis Christodoulou, who died in London in 2010.  He was born in Rizokarpasso in 1945. The model was donated by his family via the Association of Rizokarpasso to the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood for people to admire and remember St Andrew’s Church and Monastery located on the tip of Cyprus, near Rizokarpasso, in occupied Cyprus.  A present to all to celebrate St Andrew’s Day.

She wished everyone a Happy Christmas and a New Year, 2020, full of happiness, prosperity and good health; a New Year that brings Freedom, Joy and Justice throughout Cyprus. 

history (in greek)

Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Φίλωνα

Το Ριζοκάρπασον είναι διάδοχος οικισμός  της αρχαίας   πόλης Καρπασίας, απ΄όπου προέρχεται και η ονομασία του. Η πόλη καταστράφηκε  περί τον 8ο αιώνα από τις αραβικές επιδρομές και η  βασιλική του Αγίου Φίλωνος αποτελεί κατάλοιπο από την αρχαία πόλη. Μετά την καταστροφή της πόλης όσοι επέζησαν δημιούργησαν, για ευνόητους λόγους,  στην ενδοχώρα την κωμόπολη Ριζοκαρπάσου.

Έως τα μέσα του 16ου αιώνα ο οικισμός απαντά στις πηγές ως Καρπάσι ή Carpasse ή Carpasso στις φραγκικές και βενετικές πηγές ενώ προς τα τέλη της βενετικής κυριαρχίας για πρώτη φορά απαντά ως Ριζοκάρπασον. Κατά τη Λατινοκρατία η βυζαντινή ονομασία της χερσονήσου από Ακρωτίκη μετονομάστηκε σε  Καρπασία(Carpasse) από την αρχαία πόλη και από τον οικισμό Καρπάσι/ Ριζοκάρπασον. Επί βασιλείας Ιακώβου Β´ Lusignan  το Ριζοκάρπασον μαζί με δύο άλλους γειτονικούς  οικισμούς που εξέλιπαν έγινε κομητεία. Επίσης κατά τη διάρκεια της Λατινοκρατίας λόγω της κατάργησης του Αυτοκεφάλου της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας από τους Λατίνους, ο  ορθόδοξος επίσκοπος Αμμοχώστου είχε ως επισκοπική έδρα το Ριζοκάρπασον, με επισκοπικό ναό τον Άγιο Συνέσιο Ριζοκαρπάσου. Υπήρξε σημαντικό φέουδο κατά τη Λατινοκρατία για τις εύφορες πεδιάδες του και τα πλούσια νερά της Ποταμιάς, όπου εκεί ήδη από τον 16ο αιώνα Βενετοί φεουδάρχες οικοδόμησαν τρεις υδρόμυλους. Υπήρξε πολυπληθής οικισμός από τον 16ο αιώνα και στην απογραφή του 1565 είχε τον μεγαλύτερο πληθυσμό από όλους τους οικισμούς της Κύπρου, αφού μόνο οι αρσενικού γένους ελεύθεροι καλλιεργητές κάτοικοί του ανέρχονταν στους επτακόσιους εβδομήντα έξι. Ο πληθυσμός του Ριζοκαρπάσου το 1960 ανερχόταν στους 3,154 κατοίκους ενώ το 1974 στους 2, 279. Σήμερα ζουν στο κατεχόμενο Ριζοκάρπασον 246 εγκλωβισμένοι και με την επανεγκατάσταση μερικών Ριζοκαρπασιτών ανέρχονται στους 270. Τέλος η έκταση του Ριζοκαρπάσου καλύπτει 153, 834 km.

Ιερός Ναός Αγίας Μαύρης

Η κωμόπολη Ριζοκαρπάσου αποτελείται από τρεις ενορίες. Πρόκειται για την Αγία Τριάδα, για το Λεκό και την Ανάβρυση. Φαίνεται ότι η παλαιότερη ενορία είναι αυτή της Αγίας Τριάδας όπου σώζονται βυζαντινές εκκλησίες όπως αυτή της Αγίας Μαύρης, της Αγίας Μαρίνας κ.ά. Έως το 1974 λειτουργούσαν οι δύο μεγάλοι ναοί  για εκκλησίασμα του  κοινού, ο Άγιος Συνέσιος για τις ενορίες Λεκού και Ανάβρυσης και ο ναός της Αγίας Τριάδος για την ομώνυμη ενορία.

Το Ριζοκαρπάσον  φημίζεται για τον λαϊκό πολιτισμό του και πρωτίστως για τη λαϊκή ενδυμασία του, τη ριζοκαρπασίτικη σαγιά, το δουμπλέττι (επενδύτης) και  τα υφαντά σεντόνια με χάντρες. Ιδιαίτερος και πλούσιος είναι επίσης ο γαστρονομικός πολιτισμός του Ριζοκαρπάσου. Αναφέρουμε ενδεικτικά  το «οφτόν της τερατσιάς», τη «ριζοκαρπασίτικη σκορδαλιά», τις ιδιαίτερες συνταγές για σαλιγκάρια και άλλα. Από τον πλούσιο κατάλογο των αρτοσκευασμάτων  της κωμόπολης σημειώνουμε τα μιλλωμένα κουλούρια (μυζηθροκούλουρα), τις ριζοκαρπασίτικες μιλλόπιττες, τις λαγκόπιττες, τις αφράντρες(πρόσφορα) και τα σιλίχνια που αναφέρονται από τα βυζαντινά χρόνια.

Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ριζοκαρπάσου

Όσον αφορά στην εκπαίδευση της κωμόπολης Ριζοκαρπάσου  ήδη από το έτος 1840 γίνεται μνεία για ύπαρξη Δημοτικού Σχολείου ενώ σχολείο Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης στην Κοινότητα ιδρύεται το 1917. Το όνομα της Σχολής στα 102 χρόνια λειτουργίας της απαντάται με διάφορες ονομασίες  και συγκεκριμένα  κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 1965 έως την τουρκική εισβολή το 1974 με την ονομασία Γυμνάσιο Ριζοκαρπάσου. Με την κατάληψη του Ριζοκαρπάσου στις 26 Αυγούστου 1974 μεγάλο μέρος των κατοίκων επέλεξαν να παραμείνουν στον γενέθλιο τόπο τους. Τα παιδιά τους αρχικά φοιτούσαν με αρκετές δυσκολίες στα εκπαιδευτήρια της Κοινότητας κατά την περίοδο 1974-1975. Στη συνέχεια με το κλείσιμο του Γυμνασίου πολλοί εγκλωβισμένοι αναγκάστηκαν να εκτοπιστούν για να φοιτήσουν  τα παιδιά τους στις ελεύθερες περιοχές στις βαθμίδες της Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης. Αποτελεί σημαντικό γεγονός ότι η παραμονή των Ριζοκαρπασιτών στην κωμόπολή τους βοήθησε στην επαναλειτουργία από το 2004 έως σήμερα των Εκπαιδευτηρίων (Νηπιαγωγείο-Δημοτικό-Εξατάξιο Γυμνάσιο) στον γενέθλιο τόπο τους, ώστε να παρέχεται εκπαίδευση στους εγκλωβισμένους  μαθητές. Επιπρόσθετα είναι αξιοσημείωτο ότι στην κατεχόμενη Κύπρο με τα Εκπαιδευτήρια  Ριζοκαρπάσου διδάσκεται η Ελληνική Γλώσσα. Σήμερα φοιτούν στο Νηπιαγωγείο δεκαέξι  παιδιά με δύο Νηπιαγωγούς και μία Σχολική Βοηθό. Στο Δημοτικό φοιτούν δεκατέσσερις μαθητές με τέσσερις δασκάλες και δύο δασκάλες στο ολοήμερο. Επίσης  στο Εξατάξιο Γυμνάσιο/ Λύκειο φοιτούν δεκαέξι μαθητές με είκοσι τέσσερις  εκπαιδευτικούς.

Το Ριζοκάρπασον προσέφερε και συνέβαλε στους εθνικούς Αγώνες. Αναφέρουμε ενδεικτικά ότι στο ηρωικό έπος 1955-1959 δύο νέα παιδιά Ριζοκαρπασίτες οι Πετράκης Γιάλλουρος και Παναγιώτης Κάσπης θυσιάστηκαν για την ελευθερία της πατρίδας.

Κατά την τουρκική εισβολή Ριζοκαρπασίτες οπλίτες της Εθνικής Φρουράς υπερασπιζόμενοι την πατρίδα έπεσαν ηρωικώς μαχόμενοι. Πρόκειται για τους Ανδρέα Καλογήρου του Αντώνη,  στρατιώτη του Πυροβολικού, που έπεσε στο αεροδρόμιο Λευκωσίας στις 23 Ιουλίου 1974, για τον Ιωάννη Γιαννίκου του Μιχαήλ, στρατιώτη του Πεζικού, που έπεσε στην περιοχή Παλαικύθρου, στις 14 Αυγούστου 1974 και για τον Συνέση Τσούνταρου του Δημητρίου, λοχία του Τάγματος  Πεζικού που έπεσε στην Κερύνεια το Καλοκαίρι του 1974.

Επίσης τρεις Ριζοκαρπασίτες βρίσκονται στον κατάλογο Αγνοουμένων της τουρκικής εισβολής του 1974 και των οποίων η τύχη δεν έχει ακόμη διακριβωθεί. Πρόκειται για τους:  Νίκο Κορκού του Ιωάννη, στρατιώτη, που χάθηκε στην περιοχή Αγίου Γεωργίου Κερύνειας, στις 22 Ιουλίου 1974, Λεοντή Σαρμά του Δημητρίου, στρατιώτη, που χάθηκε στην περιοχή Μιας Μηλιάς, στις 18 Αυγούστου 1974 και Πολυκράτη Κωμιάτη του Γεωργίου, πολίτη, που χάθηκε στον Άγιο Μέμνωνα Αμμοχώστου, στις 18 Αυγούστου 1974.

Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Συνεσίου

           Κοινοτικά Συμβούλια  Ενοριών  Αγίας Τριάδας, Ανάβρυσης ,Λεκού Ριζοκαρπάσου



Eastbourne was the destination this year for the annual summer seaside trip for the members of the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain. The group gathered and boarded their coach near the Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green. On arrival everyone enjoyed the traditional seaside lunch of Fish & Chips at Qualisea Restaurant.

After lunch they appreciated the nice weather and fresh sea air and spent the afternoon either relaxing or walking along the seafront. However, some took advantage of the shopping opportunities in Eastbourne, which has a large shopping area with many well known shops as well as a street market. Before boarding the coach for the return journey most indulged in ice cream and/or doughnuts, declaring that they would diet the following day.

The coach journey was made more enjoyable with Greek music and people singing Greek songs e.g. “To Yelekaki”, Yialo YIalo”, “Samiotissa” led by the melodious voices of Keti and Andreas.

 Anastasis, who at 97 is our oldest Association member, has a wealth of knowledge about our unforgettable Rizokarpasso and its families; he has always been a staunch supporter of the Association and never misses an outing or an event. 

Members took the opportunity to exchange family information, recount memories of Rizokarpasso, and express their desire to return to their homes and properties in Rizokarpasso. They remembered the sacrifice of the remaining 228 enclaved Greek Cypriots in Rizokarpasso, whose numbers have declined over the years from over 3,000 Rizokarpassides prior to 1974. All said they wanted to send the NFC letter to their Members of Parliament  to seek their support for justice for Cyprus and to remind them of the 45 years of Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus, the continued violation of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus and the latest announcement that Turkey is sending a second drilling ship, Yavuz, this time to a drilling site off the Karpas peninsula.  Many will attend the NFC annual Parliament event for Cyprus on Tuesday 17th July. The Association’s next opportunity for family and friends to meet will be at the Association’s Dinner and Dance at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood on Saturday 30th November.

Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain Annual General Meeting 12th May 2019

The 44th  Annual General Meeting of the Association of Rizokarpasso held at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood, North Finchley, gave the opportunity for the members present to discuss the many challenges faced by Cyprus and the specific issues regarding Rizokarpasso, especially in relation to the plight of compatriots who have been enclaved for over 44 years and denied basic human rights. The members reported incidents that they have been made aware of by their enclaved relatives and which will be followed up by the Committee. The members passed a Resolution to be modified as appropriate and sent to the UK Prime Minister, President of the USA, President of the European Commission, President of the European Council, President of the European Parliament, UN Secretary General, NATO Secretary General, Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations, and UK Ambassadors for Russia, China, France and Germany. 

Maria Karaolis, the President, presented a report of the Association’s activities since the last Annual General Meeting.  Andreas Gavrielides, the Treasurer, presented the Financial Report and Tony Vouros the Auditors Report.  The meeting finished with all the members enjoying souvlakia, catching up on news and discussing their arrangements for the Association’s summer trip to Eastbourne on Sunday 23rd June and to the Annual Dinner & Dance of the Association on Saturday 30th November. 

The 10 Executive Committee members for the period 2019-2021 are shown below. The strength of the Association is evident by the fact that the committee includes British born Cypriots and members who were born in Rizokarpasso and still have enclaved relatives there. 

Maria Karaolis

Andreas Gavrielides

Yiannis Chronias

Demetris Nicola

Nicki Elia

Andriana Maria Demetriou

Andreas Joannou

Maria Panteli

Kate Christoforou

Andreas Strongolo

Dear Prime Minister

Today at the Annual General Meeting of the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain we resolved to call upon you not to waver from the principles that UK Governments have set out regarding human rights and the upholding of international law.  Rizokarpasso had nearly 4,000 Greek Cypriots prior to the 1974 Turkish invasion, they have now been reduced to 228 enclaved Greek Cypriots, who on a daily basis are denied basic human rights, and the properties of the Rizokarpasso refugees have been occupied by settlers from Turkey.

The 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus and the continued occupation of Cyprus by over 40,000 Turkish troops and over 200,000 settlers from Turkey violates human rights, fundamental freedoms and social justice and the very principles at the heart of democracy. Turkey is in flagrant violation of International Law and of the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions including General Assembly Resolution 3212 (1974).  Furthermore, it is in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory it occupies.

Turkey has proven time and again that it cannot refrain from interfering in Cyprus’ affairs. Turkey’s rhetoric is clear that it intends to continue to take unilateral actions and use its military power so that Turkey, itself, benefits from Cyprus’ natural resources. There have been countless occasions where the Turkish warship, ‘Barbaros’, has entered Cyprus’ territory without the consent of the Cypriot Government. In the last week, this has escalated as ‘Barbaros’ and the drilling ship, ‘Fatih’ (which translates to ‘Conqueror’ in English), have arrived in Cyprus’ EEZ with the intent to start drilling for natural resources.

The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, has described Turkey’s recent illegal incursion as a “second invasion” and it comes nearly 45 years after Turkish troops landed in Cyprus in July 1974. Cypriot authorities have taken steps to issue an international arrest warrant for the crew of ‘Fatih’ and all those involved in the illegal drilling operation. They are also examining a series of other possible measures, within the context of EU and International law. Cypriot Foreign Minister, Nikos Christodoulides, has confirmed that Cyprus has submitted the coordinates delineating the boundaries of its EEZ and continental shelf to the United Nations. There has already been strong international condemnation expressed regarding Turkey’s latest actions. 

We ask that our UK Government takes sustained action to ensure Turkey removes its warships and drillship from Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone and respects the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus and International Law.  The Republic of Cyprus must be allowed to exercise its sovereign and legal right to explore and exploit its natural resources, uninhibited. A sovereign right which must be respected according to international law. At a time when the coalition nations have been using UK bases in Cyprus for global security reasons it is important that powerful nations and international bodies act with integrity to stop Turkey from threatening and violating the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, which is an EU state, a member of the UN and of the Commonwealth and is a democracy that provides stability, support and refuge in a volatile region. . The UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a leading member of NATO and of the Commonwealth, a member of the Council of Europe, is still a member of the  European Union, and has sovereign bases on the island: no other state has such vested historic, cultural, strategic and national interests in Cyprus.

We believe that Turkey’s role as a NATO member should be reviewed and its progress towards EU membership should be frozen until it complies with international law and UN Resolutions. Turkey mistreats its minorities, violates freedom of speech, restricts the media and press. We believe that Turkey should comply with International Law and abide by the values upheld by the UN, NATO, and the Council of Europe of which Turkey is a Member State.  Furthermore, we believe a negotiated solution for Cyprus should encompass:

  1. The reunification of the island and people of Cyprus.
  2. The removal of all Turkish troops from Cyprus.
  3. The repatriation to Turkey of over 200,000 illegal settlers in Cyprus.
  4. The return of all properties to their lawful owners.
  5. The return of all the refugees to their homes and properties in safety.
  6. The abolition of the anachronistic Guarantor Status held by other countries.
  7. The full and effective investigation of the fate of all the missing persons.


The Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain on November 24th held its annual Charity Dinner and Dance at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood, which it filled to full capacity. All age groups were represented, ranging from 1 to 96 years of age, proud of their roots and not prepared to forget that Rizokarpasso belongs to them.   The music had toddlers to pensioners on the dance floor, in what was a joyful community atmosphere where people ate a delicious  traditional souvla  meal, danced and enjoyed the company of friends and relatives at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood. Zacharias Koullas and guests came to London from Brighton to enjoy the evening.  Present amongst the guests were the Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK, Nicholas Manolis, The Rt. Revd. Bishop Athanasios of Tropaeou, the Member of Parliament for Finchley & Golders Green, Mike Freer, and the President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, Christos Karaolis.   

Maria Karaolis, the President of the Association of Rizokarpasso thanked those present at the Charity Dinner and Dance saying that they, together with the brochure advertisers and the providers of raffle prizes and donations had, once again, enabled the Association to send, via the Cyprus High Commission, a €50 Christmas present to each of the 48 schoolchildren enclaved in Rizokarpasso. She also spoke of the hardship and sacrifices of enclaved friends, relatives and compatriots in Rizokarpasso, who, since the 1974 Turkish invasion and continued occupation of the northern part of Cyprus, have been denied the basic human rights and freedom that all other European citizens enjoy as well as suffering violence and intimidation, which had reduced the Greek Cypriot population of Rizokarpasso from around 4,000 people in 1974 to less than 250. 

Mrs Karaolis stated that Turkey muzzles democracy, imprisons Government critics, closes down media outlets, imprisons journalists, fails to abide by Agreements, ignores the Geneva Convention, ignores UN Resolutions, mistreats its religious and ethnic minorities, including the sizable Kurdish minority community which is 25% of Turkey’s population.  Turkey does not share Western interests or European values of democracy, respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, equality and the rule of law; it violates the Republic of Cyprus airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone. Turkey’s anachronistic Guarantor Power for Cyprus should end; its illegal occupation of Cyprus should end and Turkey should withdrawal its troops and illegal settlers from Cyprus and allow the return of all refugees to their homes and properties.  The Republic of Cyprus is an independent country and a member of the UN, the EU, the Commonwealth and is a valued, stable, reliable, democratic, ally in a very volatile region. She expressed the hope that talks would resume in a manner that could lead to a just, viable and lasting solution that will reunify the island, terminate Turkey’s illegal actions, which are a violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and against international law, and allow all of the Cypriots to live together throughout the island in a peaceful and safe Republic of Cyprus. 

She informed members that in the summer the Rt Hon. Iain Duncan Smith, MP for Chingford and Woodford Green had, unsuccessfully, tried to persuade the authorities to allow direct flights to the occupied  area and that on November 15th, when members were picketing outside the Turkish Embassy against the illegal UDI, he was celebrating the anniversary of the illegal UDI with the representatives of the illegal regime at the prestigious Hyatt Regency London. She emphasised that members should engage with their political representatives and promote a free, united Cyprus.

Maria Karaolis thanked all the Presidents, Officers and Committee Members of the Association their dedication and hard work.  She also thanked all members, friends, advertisers, providers of raffle prizes and those who had made donations who had supported and sustained the Association since its formation in 1975.  She wished everyone a Happy

Christmas and a New Year, 2019, full of happiness, prosperity and good health; a New Year that brings Freedom, Joy and Justice throughout Cyprus. 

She ended her speech by calling for Maria Mouzouris, a long term member of the Association, to come to the front of the hall, where, to her surprise, she was presented with a bouquet of flowers from the Association.  Mrs Mouzouris had an even bigger surprise when a 90th Birthday cake was brought out for her and pastichia given to all present; organised by her daughter Tina. Everyone present sang Happy Birthday to Maria and made her 90th birthday celebration memorable and enjoyable for all.