All posts by Daphne Sofocleous

40th Anniversary Dinner & Dance

40th Anniversary Dinner and Dance

We are celebrating 40 years of the Association of Rizokarpasso with a fundraising extravaganza on Sunday 29th November.

It will be a wonderful night with plenty of good food, great music provided by DJ Chris Theoharous, raffle prizes and some really amazing company!!!!!!!!!!

Tickets cost £30.00 per person and can be obtained by calling: 07830 518245 or emailing:


The petition on the link below now has just over 7,500  entries but we need more.  If you haven’t yet signed the petition please do so using the link below.  Please forward to your family and friends ask them to sign the petition, the more signatures we get the more chance we have of retaining Modern Greek A Level as a public examination in the UK.  Our target should be over 10,000 signatures.

Please sign the petition below to keep the Modern Greek language A-level exams on

Summer Outing to Eastbourne – Sunday 21st June 2015

Summer Outing to Eastbourne

Sunday 21st  June 2015

We would like to invite all our members to our annual summer outing. This year we will be visiting  Eastbourne, and as always the trip includes the opportunity to get together with our fellow Karpasites, a chance to visit this lovely seaside resort and finished over with the traditional fish and chip meal.

if you would like to book your place please call on 07830518245 or email:


Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain Annual General Meeting 26th April 2015

AGM - 26.04.2015 - Members

The 41st  Annual General Meeting (84th  GM) of the Association of Rizokarpasso held in the hall of the Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green, was very well attended, and gave the opportunity for the members present to discuss the many challenges faced by Cyprus and the specific issues regarding Rizokarpasso, especially in relation to the plight of compatriots who have been enclaved for over 40 years and denied basic human rights.  Members began the AGM with one minute silence in remembrance, with great sorrow, that in the past year several members of the Association had passed away.

Maria Karaolis, the President, presented a report of the Association’s activities since the last General Meeting.  Members were appalled that the Headteacher and teacher of English had been expelled from Rizokarpasso by the illegal regime in occupied Cyprus with no reason given.  There was disappointment that even though the Association had written to the British High Commissioner and the United States Ambassador in Cyprus, to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office and to British politicians, no progress was made on the issue and no explanation provided by the illegal regime for their action.   Andreas Gavrielides, the Treasurer, presented the Financial Report; Tony Vouros and Pavlos Pavlou, the Auditors, presented their report.

The members present said they would be exercising their democratic right to vote on Thursday 7th May General Election and to tell political campaigners that they expect their MP to work on their behalf for a just and viable solution for Cyprus. The meeting finished with all the members enjoying souvlakia, catching up on news and discussing their arrangements for the Association’s summer trip to Eastbourne on Sunday 21st June and to the 40th Anniversary Dinner & Dance of the Association on Sunday 29th November.

The 12 Executive Committee members for the period 2015-2017 are shown below. The strength of the Association is evident by the fact that the committee includes new members, young British born Cypriots and members who were born in Rizokarpasso.  This shows the success of the first generation in passing on their love of and commitment to Rizokarpasso, and Cyprus in general, to their children and grandchildren; all are proud of their roots and are dedicated to working hard to support the enclaved and promote justice for Cyprus as well as serving the members of their Association.

President – Maria Karaolis

Vice-President – Michael Lidas

Treasurer – Andreas  Gavrielides

Yiannis Chronias

Kate Christoforou

Nicki Elia

Andreas Joannou

Maria Panteli

Antony Petrou

Evangelos Petrou

Daphne Sofocleous

Andreas Strongolou

Letter to our Members – Invitation to our Annual General Meeting

Dear Member

 Sunday 26th April, 3.00 pm – Annual General Meeting – Cypriot Community Centre


Our Association’s Dinner and Dance on November 29th this year marks the 40th Anniversary of our Association please note the date and book to come with your family and friends, our Association and Charity needs your support.


Since our last members meeting we have continued to write numerous letters on a range of issues to high profile national and world political leaders and to the press. In our letters and in public meetings we constantly raise a number of issues e.g. the continued denial of human rights of the enclaved Greek Cypriots in Rizokarpasso by the illegal administration, the rights of the legal owners of properties in occupied north Cyprus, the expulsion of the Headteacher and a teacher from Rizokarpasso. 


In the UK General Election on Thursday 7th May 2015, you have one vote to elect your constituency MP. When politicians come knocking on your door to secure your vote, ask them what their views are on Cyprus and use your vote accordingly.  It is essential that you and all Greek Cypriots vote on Thursday 7th May so that we are seen as a politically aware and active community, this will strengthen our voice and our support for justice for Cyprus.   20th April is the last date you can register to vote, you can register by going onto the website below:–rflpMQCFWbKtAodIQQAhw


£5 Membership is due at the meeting from each member.  This contributes to the cost of the souvlakia at the two members meeting per year, the cost of the summer outing lunch and also entitles the member to vote in the election of the new Committee for 2015-2017.


Please note the following dates – your attendance and involvement is essential if we are to succeed:


Sunday 29th March – National Federation of Cypriots  National Celebration of 25th March/1st April – Ashmole Academy, Cecil Road, London N14 5RJ – 3.30pm


Sunday 26th April, 3.00 pm  Annual General Meeting at the Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green, N22

1)  President’s Report – Mary Karaolis

  • Treasurer’s Report – Andreas Gavrielides
  • Auditor’s Report
  • Resolutions to be sent to world leaders.
  • O.B – Διαφορα
  • Nomination & Elections of new Committee 2015-2017
  • Refreshments – Souvlakia



Thursday  7th  May  – UK General Election – exercise your democratic right as a citizen and vote

Sunday 21st   June Summer Outing to Eastbourne

Sunday 5th July –Trafalgar Square Rally 3.30pm

July – 7.00pm House of Commons Lobby for Cyprus

Sunday 29th  November 7.00 pm- Dinner & Dance



Yours sincerely

Mrs Mary Helen Karaolis OBE  BEd(Hons)   MA  NPQH  FCollT

on behalf of the Executive Committee

Annual General Meeting – Sunday 26th April 2015, 3.00pm

Annual General Meeting

Sunday  26th April 2015, 3.00 pm –  Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green, N22

We would like to invite all our members to the Annual General Meeting at the Cypriot Community Center in Wood Green on Sunday 26th April.

In additional to the President’s and Treasurer’s updates we will be holding elections for positions on the Committee.

Refreshments will follow for all our signed members.

Association of Rizokarpasso Annual Dinner and Dance – 8th November 2014

Association of Rizokarpasso Annual Dinner and Dance

This Saturday, 8th November 2014 @ 7 pm

The Penridge Suite, 470 Bowes Road, New Southgate, N11 1 NL, London

The Penridge Suite


Join us for our annual Dinner and Dance Fundraiser, promising an exciting evening of food, live music, dancing and raffle prizes!

Feel free to spread the word and invite friends, family, partners and anyone who has a deep appreciation of kleftiko!!!!!!

Tickets cost £30.00.

Contact us to reserve your place as soon as possible, as spaces are limited due to popular demand