Once again, the Association of Rizokarpasso is giving Christmas presents to the enclaved children in Rizokarpasso
On Saturday 19 November, the President of the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain, Mary Karaolis, delivered individual Christmas cards for each of the 42 enclaved school children in Rizokarpasso to the Presidential Commissioner, Mr Photis Photiou, at St Demetrios Church. Each card contained a €50 gift from the Association. Mr Photiou will be visiting the Rizokarpasso Schools and giving the school children their presents, on behalf of the Association, in December.
The Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain was established in 1975 to respond to the then many needs of the enclaved people in Rizokarpasso following the Turkish invasion of 1974. Since 2005 the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain has been sending each enclaved schoolchild in Rizokarpasso a Christmas gift of €50 and a Christmas card. The names of the children are obtained from the Ministry of Education in Cyprus via the Cyprus High Commission in London who also arrange for the Christmas cards containing the presents to be delivered to the school children in Rizokarpasso.
In 2005 there were 61 enclaved schoolchildren In Rizokarpasso (15 Nursery; 13 Demotiko; 33 Gymnasion). This year there are 42 schoolchildren (9 Nursery; 16 Demotiko; 17 Gymnasion). Currently there are approximately 250 enclaved Greek Cypriots in Rizokarpasso, which is significantly lower than the 4000 in 1974. The illegal regime requires that the teachers and books that are allowed in the Rizokarpasso schools be approved by the illegal regime; these restrictions and many others, make the experiences, and life in general, for the enclaved school children very different to that of schoolchildren elsewhere in Cyprus. We are very proud of our enclaved compatriots in Rizokarpasso whose presence, despite their numerous difficulties, ensures that our cultural and religious heritage remains alive in Rizokarpasso.