Members of the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain enjoyed a day trip to Brighton on a very sunny and hot day. The group gathered and boarded their coach near the Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green. On arrival in Brighton the group attended the service at the Greek Orthodox Church of Ayia Triadas where they were met by Church Committee Treasurer, Zacharias Koullas, whose family roots are from Rizokarpasso; at the end of the service they had refreshments in the sunshine outside the church. Lunchtime the group enjoyed the traditional seaside lunch Fish & Chips at The Regency Restaurant. The service for our large group of 50 was quick and the food was delicious.
After lunch everyone enjoyed the sunshine and fresh sea air either relaxing or walking along the seafront. The coach journeys were made more enjoyable with members singing many well known Greek songs such as “Yerakina”, “Bera Stou Bera Kambou”, “O Mikros O Kinigos”, “ Loulla Mou Maroulla Mou”, “To Yelekaki”, “Yialo, Yialo”, “Samiotissa”. The singing was led by Keti, Kyriakou, Anna and Andreas and everyone joined in. As always the traditional Shinnopittes prepared by 92 year old Katina, for the outing, were enthusiastically received by all as were the sweets, nuts etc that various members had brought to share. Anastasis, who at 96 is our oldest Association member has a wealth of knowledge about our unforgettable Rizokarpasso and its families. Members were delighted to see 86 year old Michalis Lidas on the trip. Michalis had served continuously on the Rizokarpasso Association Committee since it was formed in 1975, retiring last year due to poor health.
Members took the opportunity to exchange family information, recount memories of Rizokarpasso and express their desire to return to their homes and properties in Rizokarpasso. They remembered the sacrifice of the remaining 228 enclaved Greek Cypriots in Rizokarpasso, whose numbers have declined over the years from over 3,000 Rizokarpassides prior to 1974. All said they wanted to send the NFC letter to their Members of Parliament to remind them of the 44 years of Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus and to ask for their MPs support for justice for Cyprus. Many will attend the NFC annual Parliament event on Tuesday 10th July.
The Association’s next opportunity for family and friends to meet will be at the Association’s Dinner and Dance at the Greek Cypriot Brotherhood on Saturday 24th November.
The 43rd Annual General Meeting of the Association of Rizokarpasso held in the hall of the Cypriot Community Centre, Wood Green, was well attended, and gave the opportunity for the members present to discuss the many challenges faced by Cyprus and the specific issues regarding Rizokarpasso, especially in relation to the plight of compatriots who have been enclaved for over 43 years and denied basic human rights. Maria Karaolis, the President, presented a report of the Association’s activities since the last General Meeting. Andreas Gavrielides, the Treasurer’s Report. Pavlos Pavlou presented the Auditors Report. The meeting finished with all the members enjoying souvlakia, catching up on news and discussing their arrangements for the Association’s summer trip to Brighton on Sunday 24th June and to the Annual Dinner & Dance of the Association on Saturday 24th November. The AGM was attended by the President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, Christos Karaolis.
The members passed a Resolution to be modified as appropriate and sent to the UK Prime Minister, President of the USA, President of the European Commission, President of the European Council, President of the European Parliament, UN Secretary General, NATO Secretary General, Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations and the President of the Republic of Cyprus. The letter to the UK Prime Minister, The Rt Hon Theresa May:
Dear Prime Minister
Today at the Annual General
Meeting of the Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain we resolved to call upon
you not to waver from the principles that UK Governments have set out
regarding human rights and the upholding of international law. The future of
Cyprus is delicately balanced: we hope that future talks between the President
of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades and the Leader of the Turkish
Cypriot community, Mustafa Akinci, will be more successful than those of the
past. However, the key to any solution lies in Ankara, which to date has not
demonstrated a willingness to support a solution with deeds. Recently Turkey has continued to ignore
international law and once again violated the EEZ of Cyprus by sending Turkish
warships that prevented the Italian exploration vessel from drilling in Cyprus’
EEZ. Such bullying gunboat diplomacy has no place in the 21st
in occupied northern Cyprus, had approximately 4,000 Greek Cypriot inhabitants
43 years ago when Turkey invaded Cyprus. Only 228 enclaved Greek Cypriots, of
whom 45 are school children, remain in Rizokarpasso. On a daily basis, the enclaved are denied human
rights and basic freedoms. In October last year the illegal regime in occupied
northern Cyprus stopped the UN humanitarian aid being taken to the enclaved by
imposing duties on the aid. Last week
the illegal regime allowed the resumption of UN humanitarian aid. The
desecration of the cemetery in Rizokarpasso and the looting and destruction of
most of the churches is part of the cultural destruction of the occupied areas
which is Turkey’s deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing so that all traces of
Greek Cypriot presence in northern Cyprus is eradicated. Our members, were
either born in Rizokarpasso or their parents or grandparents were and they look
to their UK Government to play a crucial
role in supporting and influencing a just solution for all the legal citizens
of Cyprus.
The UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a
leading member of NATO and of the Commonwealth, a member of the Council of
Europe, is still a member of the
European Union, and has sovereign bases on the island: no other state
has such vested historic, cultural, strategic and national interests in Cyprus.
At a time when the
coalition nations are using UK bases in Cyprus for global security reasons it
is important that powerful nations and international bodies act with integrity
to stop Turkey from threatening and violating the independence and sovereignty
of the Republic of Cyprus, which is an EU state, a member of the UN and of the
Commonwealth and is a democracy that provides stability, support and refuge in a volatile region.
We urge you to ensure that your administration remains committed to
the UK’s obligations as set out in International Law and the Treaty of
Guarantee. The UK’s continued, constructive contribution is key to progress,
not least in the form of pressure upon Turkey to bring about a more positive
and constructive engagement. We trust
that you took the opportunity during President Erdogan’s visit to stand firm on
the UK’s commitment to the principles which should guide you and your
government’s actions in relation to Cyprus; human rights, democratic
principles and the rule of law: values which, by its actions, Turkey does not uphold. Furthermore, in violation of the Fourth
Geneva Convention, which forbids an occupying power to transfer parts of its own population into the territory
it occupies, over 200,000 Turkish nationals were transferred from
Turkey to settle in northern Cyprus and take over the homes and properties of
Greek Cypriots.
continued occupation of Cyprus by over 40,000 Turkish troops and over 200,000
settlers from Turkey violates human rights, fundamental freedoms and social
justice and the very principles at the heart of democracy. Turkey is in
flagrant violation of International Law and of the relevant United Nations
Security Council Resolutions including General Assembly Resolution 3212
(1974). We believe that Turkey’s role as
a NATO member should be reviewed and its progress towards EU membership should
be frozen until it complies with international law and UN Resolutions. Turkey
mistreats its minorities, violates freedom of speech, restricts the media and
press; it is not a democracy and should not be allowed to exploit the current
migration crisis in Europe. We believe that Turkey should comply with
International Law and abide by the values upheld by the UN, NATO, and the
Council of Europe of which Turkey is a Members State. Therefore, a negotiated solution for Cyprus
should encompass:
The reunification of the island and
people of Cyprus.
The removal of all Turkish troops from
The repatriation to Turkey of over
200,000 illegal settlers in Cyprus.
The return of all properties to their
lawful owners.
The return of all the refugees to
their homes and properties in safety.
The abolition of the anachronistic
Guarantor Status held by other countries.
The full and effective investigation
of the fate of all the missing persons.
The Association of Rizokarpasso in Britain on November 25thheld its annual Charity Dinner and Dance at the Grand Palace Banqueting Suite. All age groups were represented, proud of their roots and not prepared to forget that Rizokarpasso belongs to them. The music had people from all age groups on the dance floor from the toddlers to pensioners, in what was a joyful community atmosphere where people ate a delicious meal, danced and enjoyed the company of friends and relatives.
Present amongst the guests were the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK, Evripides Evriviades, The Rt. Revd. Bishop Athanasios of Tropaeou, the Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate, Bambos Charalambous and the President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, Christos Karaolis. Cousins Katina Chrysostomou and Katina Michanicou, both aged 91 and very active members of the Association, were presented with bouquets to celebrate their Names Day festival of Ayia Katerina. Both have continuously supported the Cyprus cause and attended the July Rally for Cyprus and November Picket outside the Turkish Embassy. Their advancing years have not prevented them from participating in Association events or dampened their desire to see a free united Cyprus and the return of their properties in Rizokarpasso.
Dinner&Dance 25 November 2017
Maria Karaolis, the President of the Association of Rizokarpasso thanked those present at the Charity Dinner and Dance and said: “You being here this evening together with the advertisers in our brochure and donors of raffle prizes has enabled us once again to send each enclaved school child in Rizokarpasso a €50 Christmas present in a personalised Christmas card. We have sent a Christmas present to the Rizokarpasso school children every year since 2005 when there were 61 school children. Year by year their numbers fell and by 2011 there were 35 school children. Since then they have been increasing, last year there were 41 and this year there are 45 school children. We are grateful to the Cyprus High Commission in London for arranging the delivery of the Christmas presents to the children in Rizokarpasso. Many of the students who finish the Rizokarpasso Gymnasion go on to university in Cyprus and abroad. In 2005 Demetris Kotsiekkas was in his first year in Gymnasion, in 2015 whilst studying Law at the University of Cyprus he gained the European Union ERASMUS internship and came to London at the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution. He has graduated and is now at the University of Cyprus undertaking research. We are proud of the enclaved Rizokarpassides and the successes of their children. However, we also remember the hardship and sacrifices of our enclaved friends, relatives and compatriots in Rizokarpasso, who for the last 43 years, since the 1974 Turkish invasion and continued occupation of the northern part of Cyprus, have guarded our rights to our properties whilst they, on a daily basis are denied the basic human rights and freedom that all other European citizens enjoy. They have suffered violence and intimidation, which has seen the Greek Cypriot population of Rizokarpasso reduced from around 4,000 people in 1974 to less than 250 of whom 45 are schoolchildren. Since October this year the UN Humanitarian Aid taken to the enclaved in Rizokarpasso has been subject to customs duties by the regime in occupied Cyprus and so the UN no longer takes provisions and only takes medicines to the enclaved. Furthermore, 5 teachers were refused permission to teach in the Rizokarpasso schools and had to be replaced and 8 textbooks were prohibited.”
She continued: “Turkey is considered by our Government and other Western nations to be an important NATO ally that holds the key to Western security and the control of migration. Turkey wants to join the EU yet muzzles democracy, imprisons Government critics, since July 2016 Turkey has closed down more than 180 media outlets and imprisoned 281 of its journalists. It also fails to abide by Agreements, ignores the Geneva Convention, ignores UN Resolutions, mistreats its religious and ethnic minorities; the Kurdish minority community is 25% of Turkey’s population. Turkey does not share our Western interests or European values of democracy, respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, equality and the rule of law. Turkey says that it wants the negotiations on Cyprus to be successful yet it violates the Republic of Cyprus airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone. Turkey insists on keeping its anachronistic Guarantor Power for Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus is an independent country and a member of the UN, the EU, the Commonwealth and is a valued, stable, reliable, democratic, ally in a very volatile region; it doesn’t need Guarantors. Let us hope that the talks will resume in a manner that can lead to a just and viable solution that will reunify the island, terminate Turkey’s illegal actions, which are a violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus and against international law, and allow all of the Cypriots to live together throughout the island in a peaceful and safe Republic of Cyprus. Our Association was formed immediately after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and has all these years campaigned tirelessly for the rights of the enclaved, for an end to the illegal occupation of Cyprus, the withdrawal of Turkish troops and illegal settlers and for the return of all refugees to their homes and properties.”
Maria Karaolis concluded by thanking all the Presidents, Officers and Committee Members of the Association over the last 43 years for their dedication and hard work. She also thanked all members, friends, advertisers, providers of raffle prizes and those who had made donations who had supported and sustained the Association since its formation in 1975. She wished everyone a Happy Christmas and a New Year, 2018, full of happiness, prosperity and good health; a New Year that brings Freedom, Joy and Justice throughout Cyprus.